ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >, including all inherited members.

allocate(size_type n) noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_allocate_v< Alloc >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
construct(T *p, Args &&... args) noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_construct_v< Alloc, T *, Args... >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
deallocate(void *p, size_type n) noexceptktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
destroy(T *p) noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_destroy_v< Alloc, T * >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
freelist() noexcept(std::is_nothrow_default_constructible_v< A >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
freelist(Args &&... args) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v< Alloc, Args... >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inlineexplicit
freelist(const freelist &)=deletektl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >
freelist(freelist &&other) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible_v< Alloc >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
get_allocator() noexceptktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
get_allocator() const noexceptktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
max_size() const noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_max_size_v< A >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
operator!=(const freelist &rhs) const noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_not_equal_v< Alloc >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
operator=(const freelist &)=deletektl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >
operator=(freelist &&rhs) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_assignable_v< Alloc >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
operator==(const freelist &rhs) const noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_equal_v< Alloc >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
owns(void *p) const noexcept(detail::has_nothrow_owns_v< A >)ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline
size_type typedefktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >
~freelist()ktl::freelist< Min, Max, Alloc >inline